Photo Gallary

In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
In utero electroporation with GFP and mScarlet marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
In utero electroporation with GFP and mScarlet marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
Primary cortical neuron cultute
Primary cortical neuron cultute
Neurosphere culture of cortical neuronal progenitor cells
Neurosphere culture of cortical neuronal progenitor cells
Primary cortical neurons
Primary cortical neurons
In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex. Red: immunohistchemistry for layer marker Brn2.
In utero electroporation with GFP marks pyramidal neurons in the cortex. Red: immunohistchemistry for layer marker Brn2.

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